Two New Community Impact Funds Open at Caledonia Community Foundation

Feb 12, 2016 in

We are excited to announce the opening of two new funds to help support a healthier, happier place to live for all of our citizens.

The Sport and Recreation Fund and the Learning for Life Fund are both part of our Community Impact Fund and will be handing out grants in the fields of sport and education. Both Funds are open to donations of all sizes, and CCF is now offering a monthly donation option to make giving easy.

The Sport and Recreation Fund will direct grants to organizations building a healthier Caledonia through sport and exercise programs. Support will be given to those who demonstrate inclusiveness and provide participants with the opportunity to gain skills and increase individual activity levels. Grants can be used for equipment, registration fees or improvement to an active space.

The Learning for Life Fund directs funds to organizations that foster a love of learning to people of all ages. We believe knowledge gives everyone limitless possibilities and makes Caledonia a more vibrant, enriched place to live. Programs focusing on educating children, youth or adults may apply for a grant. Donors also have the opportunity to open scholarship funds under our Learning for Life Fund.

These scholarships can be given directly from the Foundation or a specific school. If you would like to learn more about the new funds or make a donation, please contact Lindsey Stuckless at 905 765-4408. We look forward to helping you build a legacy in your community.

Click here to make a donation today!

Caledonia Community Foundation

Contact Us

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 2101, Station Main, Caledonia, ON. N3W 2G6
